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Unveiling The Magic of Accountability for Sales & Marketing

  • Friday, October 18, 2024
  • 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
  • The Wisconsin Club Ballroom, 900 West Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee


  • Select this option if you are not an IBAW member.
  • This option ONLY for those members who have prepaid a year's breakfast in advance.
    - Note: Membership dues do not cover breakfast registration.


Unveiling the Magic of Accountability for Sales & Marketing

Friday, October 18th, 2024 | Time: 7:00 am - 9:00 am 

Location: The Wisconsin Club, 900 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee

Unveiling the Magic of Accountability for Sales and Marketing

Despite our wishes, it's nearly impossible to hire a single sales and marketing unicorn to handle everything for an organization or to thrive in a reality where daily firefighting tasks are the norm. In this panel discussion, moderated by Jennifer Makary, Julie Cosich Collins, Owner and Coach of KnotMagic, will delve into how creating accountability in an organization is not magic—and we'll show you how! Panelists Rod Winter, President and CEO of RCS Innovations, and Nick Rolf, Business Development Director of Guardian Business Solutions, will share their real-life journeys by emphasizing that it all comes down to people, processes, and strategies to build sustainable, consistent systems. Attendees will leave inspired and having learned:

  • The effect commitment has in creating a sales and marketing plan
  • The impact of establishing organizational structure
  • The importance of leveraging technology systems
  • The role of metrics in achieving success


Jennifer Makary - VP of Operations, KnotMagic


Julie Collins, Owner / Coach, KnotMagic

Nick Rolf, Business Development Director, Guardian Business Solutions

Rod Winter, President & CEO, RCS Innovations


7:00 am - 7:30 am - Check in, coffee, networking

7:30 am  - Plated breakfast

8:00 am -  8:45 Main Program 

8:45 am - 9:00 am - Audience Q & A

9:00 am - Program end followed by networking



Attire: Business Professional

Please note:
No refunds/credits can be issued for those unable to attend 24 hours before the event. Due to venue policy, "No shows" are charged / invoiced. 
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